35 Best Motivational Books to Read [2024 Update]


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Motivation. When you have it, anything seems achievable. When it is lacking, it’s tough to do even the simplest of things.

Motivation is all about what drives you. There is a combination of external and internal motivating factors in our lives, but the internal motivations have proven time and time again to be far more effective.

What motivates one person may not be what motivates the next because we are all unique, and that is the biggest thing to remember when understanding the internal motivation and trying to change your life. (Learn more about motivation theories here.)

For example, if you are a quiet person that tends to stay to themselves, you may not find much motivation visiting a networking event (or through other ways to meet people).

However, maybe you can motivate yourself to attend this kind of function if you change the way you think about it. Maybe find a reason to go by understanding the purpose of the networking session, to begin with.

Why Read Books on Motivation?

When looking for motivation, we need to look at both our strengths and weaknesses and think more positively about how we can change.

Self-awareness is a vital key to success, and the following list of books will help you understand this a bit more and see what drives you.

One of the easiest ways to get motivated is to read a great book. When you read the right book, you want to go out and conquer the world. The book motivates you to succeed.

It is a good motivational book that hands you the tools you need to help you succeed. That is what makes great life-changing books.

And that is what this list is all about. It is a list of the 35 best motivational books to help you take charge of your life.

These books are all nonfiction. Fiction books may be motivational, but they often are short on details for achieving transformational life changes.

To make this list, a book needed to have something important to say. The book needed to provide solid ideas about how to make the changes it proposed in your life, and above all, the book needed to be motivational.

It needed to grab the reader by the wrist and pull them through the book, making them desire, more than anything, to take action and make changes in their lives.

That’s what it takes to be one of the top-flight motivational books. So, without further ado, let’s dig-in and uncover the list of the best motivational books to take charge of your life.

35 Best Motivational Books to Take Charge of Your Life (2024 Edition)

1. The Only Skill That Matters by Jonathan A. Levi


  • The Only Skill That Matters emphasizes the importance of learning how to learn, offering practical strategies for mastering this essential skill.
  • It delves into the concept of meta-learning, providing insights into how individuals can optimize their learning processes and enhance their overall cognitive abilities.
  • The book highlights the value of continuous self-improvement and the impact of acquiring new knowledge in an ever-changing world.
  • Through the author’s personal anecdotes and research-based findings, the narrative underscores the transformative potential of honing one’s learning capabilities.
  • Readers are encouraged to adopt a growth mindset and embrace a lifelong journey of intellectual development, positioning learning as a cornerstone for personal and professional success.

The sheer amount of information bombarding us every day is overwhelming. How do we stay on top of everything in order to keep our jobs or adapt to the new demands of modern life?

The Only Skill That Matters equips you with what you need to take on the challenges of the future – whether in your professional or personal life. And it’s offered for free. All you need to pay for is shipping and handling.

In the book, Jonathan Levi shares an approach that promises to help you become a super learner. This approach is anchored in neuroscience. Athletes and top performers have used the techniques to propel them to success.

Within the pages, you’ll learn how to build a reading habit: the techniques for reading faster and improving your ability to recall information.

People who have already read this book call it a game changer. If you’re ready to unlock your potential greatness, get the free book.

3 Lessons from The Only Skill That Matters

  1. Learning is our gateway to everything we experience in life.
  2. Possessing information and applying it in the right context brings us to transformation.
  3. The idea of becoming a “superlearner” is not a thing of fiction, but is actually a skill that we can all cultivate.

Get Your FREE Book!

RELATED: Habits that Stick!

Want to build a new habit that will stick for the rest of your lifetime? In this video, you will discover a simple 9-step process about building habits that you can immediately implement.

2. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero


  • You Are a Badass inspires readers to embrace self-love, confidence, and personal empowerment through humorous and relatable anecdotes.
  • The book advocates for taking risks, stepping out of comfort zones, and cultivating a positive mindset to achieve personal and professional fulfillment.
  • It emphasizes the significance of self-belief and the impact of overcoming self-imposed limitations on achieving goals and dreams.
  • Through practical exercises and actionable advice, the narrative encourages readers to take charge of their lives and pursue their passions with unapologetic determination.
  • Jen Sincero’s candid and motivational writing style resonates with readers, offering a refreshing and empowering perspective on self-improvement and living life to the fullest.

This refreshing must-read inspirational book provides the reader with a guide to creating a life that you love.

Jen Sincero offers the reader 27 short chapters that are packed with captivating stories, humor, sound advice, and simple exercises to help people identify and get rid of their self-sabotaging thoughts and habits that prohibit people from achieving the success that they want.

After reading You Are a Badass, you will have a better understanding of why you act the way you do and how to accept the things that you cannot change.

Readers have found that Jen Sincero is a talented writer who offers an edgy style that can be motivating to a lot of people.

While this book doesn’t offer much advice that cannot be found in other self-help books, it is presented in a fun and matter-of-fact way that is meant to entertain the reader while inspiring them to improve their life.

Sincero does use some critical language to describe people who are struggling that may be annoying to some, using words such as “lame-o” and “wuss,” which may hold a bit of shock value at first, but some believe that this language and its offensiveness can get old quickly.

However, this book offers a quick shot of motivation, which can be very useful to people who are looking for an enlightening read that is written by someone who is comical and inspiring.

[Jen is one of the new breed of female self-help authors that are standing up and making people notice over the past couple of years. See more of the best self-help books for women on this list]

5 Lessons from You Are a Badass

  1. The world benefits when you live your life in keeping with who you truly are.
  2. You are responsible only for your words and actions. How people react to what you say or do isn’t your responsibility.
  3. The only time you fail is when you quit. All the other times, you are gathering information and learning.
  4. Gratitude strengthens faith. Faith transforms your life.
  5. Being more concerned about other people’s opinions about you prevents you from living an authentic life. You are awesome just the way you are.

3. Smarter, Faster, Better by Charles Duhigg


  • Smarter, Faster, Better explores the science of productivity and offers insights into how individuals and organizations can enhance their efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The book delves into the psychology of motivation, decision-making, and goal-setting, providing practical strategies for optimizing performance in various aspects of life.
  • It highlights the significance of fostering a culture of psychological safety, teamwork, and innovation to drive success in both personal and professional endeavors.
  • Through compelling real-life stories and research-based findings, the narrative illustrates the power of deliberate practice, mental models, and effective time management in achieving peak performance.
  • Charles Duhigg’s engaging storytelling and actionable advice make this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their productivity, creativity, and overall quality of life.

Read Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity for eight productivity concepts that help explain why some people and companies are able to accomplish so much more than others.

Drawing from information on neuroscience and behavioral psychology, along with the experiences of successful CEOs, generals, pilots, FBI agents, and Broadway songwriters, this well-researched book reveals how productive people and companies view the world in profoundly different ways than those who find less success.

For example, a group of Google’s data scientists conducts a four-year study on how the most effective teams’ function and find that a group’s interactions are more important than the members of the group.

Additionally, the experts who created the movie Frozen almost gave up after encountering some challenges before they decided to shake up their team in a way that initiated a creative breakthrough, leading to one of the highest-grossing movies to date.

This book explains that what these success stories have in common is that the people know that their productivity relies on making specific choices.

The things that separate busy people from productive people are the ways decisions are made, the ambitions that are embraced, and the seemingly easy goals that are ignored. Leaders are able to establish cultures to prompt innovation and interact with data to create success.

This inspirational book uses rich storytelling to explain how people can improve their everyday lives. This innovative exploration of productivity can help anyone learn how to succeed without having to endure stress, struggle, or sacrifice.

(If you’d like to learn more about this topic, check out this article which details 14 strategies you can use to overcome procrastination and get things done in life.)

In this book, the author explores eight ideas that are the most important to improving one’s productivity, including motivation, teams, focus, goal setting, managing other people, effective decision making, innovation, and absorbing data. Readers have stated that this book is written in a lively and eloquent way.

With narratives from some of the best journalists and leaders, the author is able to anchor the reader in many real-world situations to help drive home some key points.

Many valuable lessons are shared with the reader along with dos and don’ts of living a productive life and being successful in business, especially when stressful situations arise and self-limiting beliefs threaten to derail us.

3 Lessons from Smarter, Faster, Better

  1. Motivation is a skill that you can learn. By reframing your perception this way, you find an easy trigger for choosing to take action.
  2. In order to accomplish something, focus on fewer things at a time.
  3. Embrace creativity as a form of productivity. This spark of innovation propels you to discover ways of breaking through the roadblocks caused by stress and fear.

4. Grit by Angela Duckworth


  • Grit emphasizes the significance of passion and perseverance in achieving long-term goals, transcending innate talent or intelligence.
  • The book explores the concept of grit as a key determinant of success, backed by compelling research and real-life examples of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional resilience.
  • It delves into the psychology of achievement, highlighting the role of effort, resilience, and sustained focus in overcoming challenges and attaining mastery in various domains.
  • Angela Duckworth’s work underscores the value of a growth mindset, deliberate practice, and embracing failure as integral components of the grit-building process.
  • Readers are inspired to cultivate grit in their own lives, recognizing the transformative potential of tenacity, dedication, and unwavering commitment to their aspirations.

The author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, psychologist Angela Duckworth, shows her readers that the secret to success is something she refers to as “grit.”

She addresses all types of people from parents to students to business people to highlight the importance of the blend of passion and persistence. Duckworth refers to her own experiences beginning early on in her life that made her come to this conclusion.

In “Grit,” the author tells the real-life stories of cadets who are struggling through their initial experiences at West Point, teachers trying to work with students in inner-city schools, and insights from high achievers such as JP Morgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, and Seattle Seahawks’ Coach, Pete Carroll.

Some of the most valuable insights that the reader should take away from this book include why one’s efforts are so important regarding a long-term goal, how passion and perseverance can be learned, and how one can trigger a lifelong interest for their craft.

Readers have found this book to be personal and insightful because it addresses what goes through one’s head during a failure, and how those thoughts can make a big difference in one’s future.

Readers say that this is a great book to read for one’s own success, especially if you can accept the idea that success is all about hard work.

4 Lessons from Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

  1. Grit is something that you can develop, similar to a growth mindset.
  2. Grit is a better determiner of success than talent.
  3. Your success can be determined by how well you deal with failure.
  4. Those who can persevere in mundane tasks are the ones who are most likely capable of giving a stellar performance.

5. Choose Yourself by James Altucher


  • Choose Yourself advocates for a mindset shift towards self-reliance, personal empowerment, and embracing unconventional paths to success.
  • The book encourages individuals to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental well-being as foundational elements for achieving fulfillment and professional achievement.
  • It emphasizes the value of cultivating multiple skills, fostering creativity, and adapting to a rapidly changing economic landscape in order to thrive in the modern world.
  • Through candid personal stories and practical advice, the narrative promotes the idea of taking ownership of one’s destiny and creating opportunities in the face of adversity.
  • James Altucher’s thought-provoking insights and emphasis on resilience, reinvention, and continuous self-improvement make this book a compelling guide for those seeking to navigate the complexities of the contemporary professional landscape.

I have been a fan of James’ books and his excellent podcast since he invited me as a guest many years ago when I first started writing books online. James is a serial entrepreneur, having started as many as 20 different companies.

He also happens to be a brilliant and really nice guy. Rare combinations: smart, entrepreneurial, kind, and with a gift for gab; knowing how to put some complex thinking into digestible bits the rest of us can easily understand.

I love many of his books, but Choose Yourself remains my favorite, and I think it is one of the single best motivational books around. Because that is the entire point of the book when it comes to “what” you should invest in to achieve success, his point is to “choose yourself.”

Showcasing real-life interviews and case studies, James shows us how the current world market is ripe for entrepreneurial self-starters to succeed if they invest their energy in themselves.

It is a wonderful book that is sure to motivate you and inspire you to make the most of your own talents.

Choose Yourself! Choose this book! And choose to work on your personal development.

3 Lessons from Choose Yourself

  1. Consider a rejection as an opportunity for improvement.
  2. You have four bodies: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. You need to take care of each.
  3. Choose to only do things that you love doing.

6. High-Hanging Fruit by Mark Rampolla


  • The importance of setting audacious goals. The book emphasizes the value of aiming for high-hanging fruit, challenging oneself to achieve ambitious objectives.
  • Embracing risk and uncertainty. Rampolla discusses the need to be comfortable with uncertainty and take calculated risks in order to achieve significant success.
  • Building a purpose-driven business. The author highlights the significance of creating a business with a clear sense of purpose and values, which can lead to meaningful impact.
  • The power of perseverance. High-Hanging Fruit underscores the necessity of perseverance and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks.
  • Balancing personal and professional life. The book addresses the challenge of maintaining a healthy work-life balance while pursuing lofty goals and ambitions.

High-Hanging Fruit: Build Something Great by Going Where No One Else Will, written by ZICO Coconut Water founder Mark Rampolla, aims to teach the reader that when you reach higher, you will be able to build a successful business, make a great profit, and possibly even leave a lasting mark on the world.

Drawing from his own experience of not being inspired enough in his job and dreaming about more, Rampolla talks about his journey to selling coconut water in the United States.

His ambitious goal created a whole new industry that brought America a healthy beverage alternative while also helping producers of the product in developing worlds profit from this resource.

This book was written for other people who want to succeed in light of their values. It may be the right book for you if you believe that it is your job to strive to build businesses that are driven by passion and purpose, along with a strong sense of integrity.

This is a great book for a new generation of entrepreneurs to read who want to change the old model of business and exceed in innovative ways.

The lessons in this book can benefit anyone. Not only is the book well written, but it is also a page-turner when talking about the battle that the author had to fight with the American beverage business and his courage to stand up for his beliefs.

Readers respect that the author believes that if people remain true to their core values, they have the ability to be successful and even promote social change.

3 Lessons from High-Hanging Fruit

  1. These days, success in business no longer means just making lots of money. It’s also about having a personal mission that makes a positive impact on other people’s lives.
  2. Have the courage to go after what you believe in.
  3. Trust your product.

7. Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton


  • Focus on strengths, not weaknesses. The book emphasizes the importance of identifying and leveraging individual strengths to achieve success, rather than solely focusing on improving weaknesses.
  • Unique combination of talents. It highlights the concept that each person possesses a unique combination of talents and strengths, which can be harnessed for personal and professional growth.
  • Strengths-based leadership. The authors advocate for a leadership approach that focuses on maximizing the strengths of team members, leading to higher performance and engagement.
  • Personal development through strengths. The book encourages individuals to invest in developing their natural strengths, as this can lead to greater fulfillment and success.
  • Strengths-based partnerships. It discusses the benefits of forming partnerships and teams based on complementary strengths, leading to more effective collaboration and achievement.

Now, Discover Your Strengths is a follow-up book to Clifton’s First, Break All the Rules. The author uses his theories from his first book to help the reader discover what their specific strengths and talents are in life.

This book aims to debunk what the author believes to be a myth that many of us were told as children, which is that anyone can be anything they want to be. Some readers may find this opinion to be unsettling when beginning this book. However, the author presents the idea in a very freeing way.

He argues that instead of following callings that are likely to be dead ends, it is better to pursue the things that you are naturally wired to do. This will result in a happier and more successful life.

This idea can even apply to parenting. If your child comes home with several A’s and B’s, but also has an F, do you spend your energy focusing on the bad grade or praising your child for the good grades?

Rather than trying to fix weaknesses that your child has no desire in, the author argues that it is better to encourage them in the subjects that they are strong. Focus on the things that your children show interest in and have a talent for and allow those strengths to grow.

This is a great book to change one’s way of thinking. Regardless of one’s personality, readers have found that this book and test can dramatically change the way you view the world and approach life.

One slight weakness in this book is that it does not go deeper into his theory rather he just scratches the surface; however, the author does a very effective job showing how he developed this process through years of study.

3 Lessons from Now, Discover Your Strengths

  1. Most organizations spend too much of their resources on training people to fit a certain standard of productivity.
  2. Success comes more easily when people or organizations are aware of their strengths and apply them.
  3. People, companies, and organizations should finds ways of managing weaknesses in order to free up more of their resources so they can invest and focus more on letting their strengths work for them.

8. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


  • The power of mindset. The book emphasizes the importance of a positive and determined mindset in achieving success and wealth.
  • The significance of goal setting. It stresses the value of setting clear, specific goals and maintaining a strong desire to achieve them.
  • The impact of persistence. Think and Grow Rich highlights the role of persistence in overcoming challenges and turning desires into tangible results.
  • The influence of personal beliefs. It discusses how personal beliefs and thoughts can shape one’s actions and ultimately impact their financial success.
  • The value of specialized knowledge. The book underscores the importance of acquiring specialized knowledge and leveraging it to create wealth and success.

Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 and has become a classic. The text and formatting of the original book have been preserved as best as possible to be kept exactly the same as it was in the original release.

This book was originally published during the Great Depression, and it is about the art of convincing yourself to become wealthy. It addresses the highly effective and important steps to take and the equally important steps to avoid in this process.

While some people have not found this book to be very useful, others refute that opinion by saying that one has to implement the strategies in the book in order to upgrade their lives.

There are a lot of captivating points and ideas in this book. For example, the author argues that 99% of people do not have a goal in their life and are therefore trapped in jobs that make them unhappy.

Additionally, he proposes the idea that sex transmutation is an effective strategy to achieve success. This is where one transfers the energy of their libido into other purposes that are aimed at acquiring wealth.

The author also makes a solid point that most people do not achieve full success until later in life or at least after the age of 40. A few examples the author points out are Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie, who were both over the age of 40 when they acquired their fortunes.

Readers have found the author’s roundtable ideas to be very intriguing and applicable to people of any background. If life is a game, these are the rules.

4 Lessons from Think and Grow Rich

  1. Autosuggestion trains your mind to manifest your goals.
  2. Make your own decisions and stand by them.
  3. Recognize and master the six fears.
  4. Write down your goals.

9. Illuminate by Nancy Duarte & Patti Sanchez


  • The power of storytelling. The book emphasizes the impact of storytelling in effectively communicating ideas and inspiring action within an organization.
  • Creating a shared vision. Illuminate discusses the importance of developing a shared vision that aligns and motivates team members toward a common goal.
  • Building a culture of innovation. It highlights the need for fostering a culture that encourages innovation, experimentation, and the freedom to express new ideas.
  • Leading through change. The book provides insights into leading teams through change and navigating the challenges that come with implementing new initiatives.
  • The role of visual communication. It underscores the significance of visual communication in conveying messages and ideas in a compelling and memorable way.

This book focuses on the idea that people who are able to change the world are the ones who truly believe they are able to.

For example, Steve Jobs was able to captivate audiences when beginning his movement that led to Apple Inc. This is because he was telling his audience about his vision for the future and inviting them to join him in his ideas.

Leaders have great potential to anticipate the future with their inventions and inspire others to support their dreams. In this book, the authors provide the reader with the powerful communication tools that are needed for great leadership.

They are able to lay out a plan to help the reader lead people through all of the stages of transformation through the use of speeches, symbols, stories, and ceremonies.

This guidebook shows that while envisioning the future may be one thing, getting other people to follow your lead is another. By using persuasive communication, anyone can turn an idea into a movement.

Due to the valuable insights and the immediate impact that this book provides, many readers choose to read it multiple times to continue to motivate themselves to work alongside their followers rather than try to embark on their vision alone.

3 Lessons from Illuminate

  1. A leader’s role is to be the torchbearer of the group.
  2. A leader’s vision is the starting point of a new venture.
  3. Every venture goes through stages: dream, leap, fight, climb, arrive, and re-dream.


  • Taking full responsibility. The book emphasizes the concept of extreme ownership, where individuals take complete responsibility for their actions and the outcomes of their team.
  • Leading by example. It highlights the importance of leaders setting a strong example and taking ownership of both successes and failures within their team.
  • Decentralized command. Extreme Ownership discusses the benefits of decentralized command, empowering individuals at all levels to make decisions and take ownership of their areas of responsibility.
  • Clear and concise communication. It underscores the necessity of clear and concise communication to ensure that everyone understands the mission and their role in achieving it.
  • Adaptability and humility. The book stresses the importance of being adaptable and humble, willing to learn from mistakes and make necessary adjustments to achieve success.

Jocko Willink experienced the most violent battlefield in Iraq while serving on the SEAL team before writing this book, granting him great authority to write a book on leadership and success.

While in Iraq, he helped U.S. forces secure Ramadi, and wrote this firsthand account of victory, heroism, and loss in SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser.

During his experience, he learned that leadership is the most important element of success or failure. Once he returned to the United States, he began a SEAL leadership training program before expanding his leadership training to successful companies and clients.

In this book, he details the mindset and principles that allow SEAL units to accomplish their combat missions and shows how to apply this methodology to any team or organization.

Each chapter of this book concentrates on a distinct topic such as Decentralized Command and Leading Up the Chain. The author explains what each topic is, their relevance, and how to put them to use in a leadership environment.

This is a compelling read that includes direct instructions and methods of application. It is great for business management, and it tasks existing leaders to fulfill their goal of leading and winning. One great thing about this book is that it is structured in a basic and clear way.

The book focuses on just one main point in each chapter through a story and then calls attention to the main principle of that story and how it can be applied.

5 Lessons from Extreme Ownership

  1. There are no bad teams, just bad leaders.
  2. Leaders take responsibility (a.k.a. extreme ownership), for both the success and failure of the team.
  3. Over-communicating is essential. Never assume anything.
  4. Always explain why something needs to be done.
  5. Simplicity is always the key.

11. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss


  • Learning from successful individuals. The book shares insights and lessons from a wide range of high achievers, offering valuable takeaways from their experiences and strategies.
  • Diverse strategies for success. Tools of Titans presents a diverse array of tactics and habits used by successful individuals, allowing readers to explore and adapt different approaches to their own lives.
  • Embracing experimentation and risk-taking. It encourages a mindset of experimentation and calculated risk-taking, as many of the individuals featured in the book have achieved success through unconventional paths.
  • Holistic approach to well-being. The book covers not only professional success but also personal well-being, including physical fitness, mental health, and mindfulness practices.
  • Continuous learning and improvement. It emphasizes the value of continuous learning and improvement, showcasing how successful individuals prioritize self-education and skill development.

Prior to writing this book, Tim Ferriss spent two years interviewing over 200 top-notch performers, including celebrities, athletes, legendary Special Operations commanders, and black-market biochemists.

During these in-depth two to three hour interviews, Ferriss was able to learn the distilled tools, tactics, and tricks to getting ahead that readers are unable to find anywhere else.

Ferriss offers his advice to readers with his constant focus on actionable details. He asks his interviewees specific questions such as what their morning routine looks like and how they fit physical exercise into their schedules.

He also inquires about books that have inspired these experts and even things they consider to be a waste of time.

Everything that is written in this book has been explored and applied to the author’s own life, so he considers them to be tried and true pieces of advice. He prides his work on the fact that it has made him millions of dollars and saved him from years of wasted efforts.

In this exciting book, Tim does a great job of making the reader feel as if he is talking directly to them. In this well-formatted and easy-to-follow book, the reader is offered advice and success principles that are commonly revisited throughout the years.

Some have referred to this book as being a “manual to life” because it leads to a lot of reflection and positive changes in the people who read it.

12. The Power of Broke by Daymond John


  • Embracing resourcefulness. The book highlights the power of being broke as a driving force for creativity and resourcefulness in building a successful business.
  • Leveraging limitations. It emphasizes the idea of using limitations and constraints as a catalyst for innovation and finding unique solutions.
  • Authenticity and hustle. The Power of Broke underscores the importance of authenticity and relentless hustle in pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • The value of partnerships. It discusses the significance of forming strategic partnerships and leveraging collective strengths to overcome financial challenges.
  • Overcoming adversity. The book shares stories of entrepreneurs who turned their financial struggles into a source of motivation and resilience, demonstrating the ability to overcome adversity.

This book is written by the well-known Shark Tank star and Fubu Founder, Daymond John. He wrote this book to explain to readers why starting a business on a tight budget can actually be a great advantage for an entrepreneur.

The author has been using the practices described in this book since he was a young entrepreneur selling home-sewn shirts in his neighborhood. On an extremely tight budget, Daymond had to create his own strategies to sell his products.

His creativity led to a campaign that later became the well-known $6 billion dollar industry, FUBU. Daymond’s initial hope and drive led to a level of success that no one expected.

In this book, the author shows how starting out broke can actually be an advantage because it will force you to think outside of the box. It teaches you to efficiently use your resources and forces you to authentically connect with customers and create imaginative marketing strategies.

Along with detailing his own experiences, the author also tells the stories of fellow successful entrepreneurs such as Steve Aoki, a deejay who grew a $100 business into a global sensation, and Gigi Butler, who created a cupcake empire with just debt and a dream.

Readers have found this to be a well-written business book that is more relatable and captivating than your average business book. The author is able to teach entrepreneurs at every level how to never give up on their dreams and to seek out an opportunity in every situation, whether it is positive or negative.

After reading this book, many people claim to have a new-found respect for the drive, determination, positive mentality, and passion that it takes to succeed in business.

3 Lessons from The Power of Broke

  1. Money isn’t the essential ingredient for a successful business venture.
  2. Being broke causes you to automatically look for creative solutions and resources that others may have taken for granted.
  3. Start a business today. It gets easier from here on out.

13. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins


  • Empowerment through self-awareness. The book emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and self-awareness as the foundation for personal growth and empowerment.
  • Mastering emotional states. It discusses the significance of mastering one’s emotions and mental states to take control of one’s life and achieve desired outcomes.
  • Setting and achieving compelling goals. Awaken the Giant Within provides a framework for setting and achieving meaningful goals, emphasizing the power of clarity and persistence.
  • Transforming limiting beliefs. It offers strategies for identifying and transforming limiting beliefs that may be holding individuals back from reaching their full potential.
  • Taking decisive action. The book encourages readers to take decisive action and make lasting changes in their lives by leveraging their personal resources and strengths.

Tony Robbins is certainly a powerhouse in the “self-help” field. He has courses, books, videos and more in his arsenal, and of all these books and courses, Awaken the Giant Within has always been one of the most enduringly popular books in the entire self-help field of all time.

Sometimes, I don’t like Robbin’s stuff, however. It seems to me he takes other peoples ideas and just adds hype and motivation. Much of his stuff is decent, but others do it with more depth.

What he has, undeniably, is the skill to elicit an incredible amount of motivation from his readers. Since this category is motivational books, Tony Robbins needs to be in the running for the best ever!

Robbin’s point in Awaken The Giant Within is to take charge of your life in all the important ways: emotional, physical, mental, and financial.

All of these important parts dovetail together and work with each other for you to achieve greater success. Only when you are at the peak of performance in all categories can you truly be your best self.

3 Lessons from Awaken the Giant Within

  1. Set a baseline standard for the things you are willing to accept in life.
  2. Your decisions determine your destiny, not the conditions of your life.
  3. Happiness and success come when we constantly work on improving the quality of our lives.

14. Hustle by Neil Patel


  • Embracing hard work and persistence. The book emphasizes the importance of hustle, hard work, and persistence in achieving entrepreneurial success.
  • Leveraging unconventional strategies. It discusses the value of unconventional and creative approaches to marketing and business growth, highlighting the power of thinking outside the box.
  • Prioritizing customer needs. Hustle underscores the significance of understanding and meeting customer needs and preferences to drive business success.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation. It encourages a mindset of continuous learning, adaptation, and willingness to experiment with new ideas and strategies.
  • Building a strong personal brand. The book provides insights into building a strong personal brand and leveraging it to create opportunities and drive business growth.

While people often spend their days working hard at their jobs, they are often dreaming of bigger success but feel like they are fighting an uphill battle.

Jobs are commonly unfulfilling, and people are disconnected from their company’s mission. This book talks about breaking free from menial work and achieving more success on one’s own terms by hustling.

The author argues that this can be done by making small changes and placing small bets on hobbies that will help you move forward from who you are today to someone who you are destined to become.

Three top entrepreneurs and consultants collaborate in this book to teach the reader how to view work and life through a fresh lens that revolves around uncovering projects that you love to do and finding people and opportunities to support your dream and talents.

This book offers the reader a three-part framework that includes heart, head, and habits. It teaches the reader how to redefine “hustling” as the best path to success by owning your own dreams, creating your own luck, developing your potential, and staying true to yourself.

Readers enjoy this book because it goes beyond a normal inspirational career guide and aims to change the way people work and live to teach people how to allow themselves to succeed in our ambivalent world.

This book is written to appeal to entrepreneurs with a “go get ’em” attitude. While many enjoy the author’s choice of language, others prefer a more analytical approach to creating one’s own success.

This motivational book is written very sincerely any many will gain from Neil’s particular approach to accomplishing their goals. If you have read previous books written by this author and have enjoyed the style, this book will certainly not disappoint.

3 Lessons from Hustle

  1. People you interact with provide opportunities for success.
  2. Remember ABC (always be collaborating).
  3. Momentum = luck.

15. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


  • The impact of positive thinking. The book emphasizes the transformative power of positive thinking in shaping one’s attitudes, actions, and outcomes.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and fear. It provides strategies for overcoming self-doubt and fear through the cultivation of a positive mindset and belief in one’s abilities.
  • Harnessing the power of faith. The Power of Positive Thinking highlights the role of faith and optimism in navigating challenges and achieving personal and professional success.
  • Cultivating resilience and hope. It discusses the importance of cultivating resilience and maintaining hope, even in the face of adversity and setbacks.
  • Transforming attitudes and relationships. The book offers insights into how positive thinking can transform attitudes, relationships, and overall well-being, leading to a more fulfilling life.

This international bestseller has helped people worldwide achieve fulfillment in their lives through a message of faith and inspiration. This book was written to help people achieve happiness and satisfaction in their lives while also believing that their lives are worthwhile.

The author talks about the power of faith in one’s life and offers the reader practical techniques to energize one’s life and motivate people to carry out their hopes and ambitions.

After reading this book, the reader should be able to believe in themselves, feel determined, develop power, improve relationships, take control over their lives, and decrease the amount of time they spend worrying about things.

This small book offers a lot of inspiration without adding a lot of fluff. It is very to-the-point and cleanly written. This is a great book to keep around and reference for a boost of motivation.

4 Lessons from The Power of Positive Thinking

  1. To accomplish more, you have to slow down.
  2. A positive attitude and mindset bring the best results.
  3. Learn how to deal with negativity.
  4. Stop worrying in order to create a more meaningful life.

16. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris


  • The concept of “lifestyle design” is central to the book, emphasizing the importance of creating a life that prioritizes personal freedom and fulfillment over traditional notions of success.
  • The author advocates for the use of outsourcing and automation to minimize time spent on mundane tasks, allowing individuals to focus on high-impact activities and enjoy more leisure time.
  • The book encourages readers to challenge the traditional 9-5 work model and explore alternative ways of generating income, such as remote work, entrepreneurship, or passive income streams.
  • Ferriss emphasizes the value of mini-retirements and taking extended periods of time off throughout life, rather than deferring leisure until traditional retirement age.
  • The book promotes the idea of “fear-setting,” a process for evaluating and addressing fears in order to take calculated risks and pursue unconventional opportunities.

I have a love-hate relationship with Tim Ferris. Okay, maybe the scale is tilted more toward “love” and not really equal, but as much as I love his writing, I sometimes have reservations.

First of all, I DO read everything he writes, and I like it all. 4 Hour Workweek specifically, really put a “title” on what I was already doing. It was inspirational, motivational, and transformational for anyone trying to make a living online.

My slight problem comes from the fact that the book seems to promise a path to how to achieve a truly passive career online when, in reality, any such book would be impossible. There are too many things that change and too many variables to get everything you need to learn into a single book.

If you take it for what it is, however, a motivational book to INSPIRE you to go out and learn what you need to know, then it is unsurpassed.

As a purely motivational book, The 4-Hour Workweek can transform your life and lifestyle.

3 Lessons from The 4-Hour Workweek

  1. It’s not money that people are after. It’s actually what one can do with money (i.e., having a certain lifestyle) that matters to them.
  2. Improve areas of your life by applying the Pareto principle.
  3. It is not laziness when you work less. By getting rid of meaningless work, you have more time to focus on things of more importance.

17. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson


  • Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff emphasizes the importance of not letting small, insignificant matters negatively impact one’s life, promoting a mindset of resilience and perspective in dealing with everyday stressors.
  • Carlson encourages readers to prioritize their mental and emotional well-being by practicing mindfulness, gratitude, and letting go of the need for perfection in every aspect of life.
  • The concept of “letting go of the rope” is central to the book, teaching readers to release the need to control every situation and instead focus on acceptance and adaptability.
  • The book advocates for fostering compassion and understanding in relationships, highlighting the value of empathy, forgiveness, and effective communication in reducing conflict and enhancing connections.
  • Carlson promotes the idea of finding joy in the present moment and cherishing life’s simple pleasures, encouraging readers to shift their focus from future worries to appreciating the here and now.

This classic inspirational book aims to teach the reader how to ignore the little things in life that might drive you crazy. The author uses thoughtful and insightful language to teach the reader how to calm down during a hurried and chaotic life.

The reader can learn how to put things into perspective by implementing small changes such as choosing one’s battles and learning to accept imperfection. The reader will also learn about mindfulness, living in the moment, giving other people the spotlight, trusting intuitions, and living every day to its fullest.

Readers have found that this book offers gentle and supportive suggestions to help people make their lives peaceful and caring while also living with very little stress.

This straightforward book is essentially an owner’s manual of managing one’s level of stress, and if the directions are followed, the reader is likely to be a happier and more harmonious person.

Readers have noted that the strategies in this book take discipline, but they are still fun to do. Most think that once you start these strategies, they are often hard to stop.

3 Lessons from Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff

  1. Use a positive, solution-oriented attitude for inconvenient situations. Always be on the lookout for the opportunity to improve something rather than just complaining about it.
  2. When you’re genuinely kind, more people gravitate toward you and are more willing to help you realize your goals.
  3. Remember this: “Life isn’t an emergency.” Step back and learn to prioritize. Do not tackle everything at once.

18. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson


  • The book challenges the traditional self-help narrative by advocating for embracing life’s struggles and accepting that not everything can or should be positive.
  • Manson emphasizes the importance of choosing meaningful values and being selective about what to care about, rather than pursuing constant positivity or success at all costs.
  • The concept of “responsibility over victimhood” is central to the book, encouraging readers to take ownership of their actions and mindset, rather than blaming external circumstances for their problems.
  • The book critiques the culture of entitlement and instant gratification, promoting the idea that true fulfillment comes from facing discomfort and adversity with resilience and purpose.
  • Manson emphasizes the value of confronting mortality and embracing the inevitable limitations of life, highlighting the liberating effect of accepting one’s mortality and living authentically.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a self-help guide that is designed well around our current generation. Written by a popular blogger, this book avoids any fluff content that urges people to be “positive” and instead motivates the reader to become a better happier person.

Most are used to hearing that the power of positive thinking will lead to a happy life. This book, however, turns the tables to say that there are a lot of negative things that we have to deal with in life, but you have to learn how to effectively live with that.

The author does not sugarcoat his message in this tell-it-like-it-is book. He offers a dose of raw and honest truth that is hard to come by these days. Readers have found this to be refreshing from the typical self-help book.

Manson uses jokes along with academic research to makes his argument that improving our lives takes more than just trying to see the bright side; people also need to form a thick skin. Life is not fair, and everybody does not always win, and the author advises the reader to get to know their limitations and accept them.

If people are able to recognize their fears and faults, they can confront uncomfortable truths and begin to find the courage and forgiveness that is often sought out.

The author makes it clear that he believes people need to pick their battles in life. Sure, people want to have a lot of money, but having a passion for your life and career is more important because real wealth lies in one’s experience.

Readers enjoy the entertaining stories in this book, along with the profane and ruthless humor.

The author’s witty use of profanity and satirical comedy is also full of philosophical wisdom. A lot of Manson’s inspiration comes from Nihilists and Buddhists, but he also includes philosophies that bring a more modern and agreeable perspective.

This book has empowered many to gain control over their actions and reactions.

5 Lessons from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

  1. Chasing after a positive experience is actually a negative experience. Conversely, fully accepting a negative experience counts as a positive experience.
  2. Failures are stepping stones to growth.
  3. Give up the quest of trying to find yourself. You are constantly evolving, and that’s actually a good thing.
  4. Once you’re great at something, challenge yourself to master the next level, or something else that you have not yet tried before.
  5. Learn to invest your energy in meaningful endeavors.

19. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz


  • The Magic of Thinking Big emphasizes the power of mindset and encourages readers to adopt a proactive, optimistic outlook on life, believing that thinking big leads to big achievements.
  • Schwartz highlights the importance of self-belief and confidence, urging readers to banish self-doubt and cultivate a strong sense of self-assurance in pursuing their goals.
  • The concept of “excusitis” is central to the book, with Schwartz urging readers to eliminate the habit of making excuses and instead take responsibility for their actions and decisions.
  • The book promotes the idea of continuous learning and self-improvement, advocating for the development of new skills, knowledge, and a growth-oriented mindset.
  • Schwartz underscores the significance of setting and pursuing ambitious goals, encouraging readers to visualize success, take decisive action, and persist in the face of challenges to achieve their aspirations.

This inspirational book provides the reader with useful methods to use to get the most out of a career, marriage and family life, and community.

The author argues that people do not have to live in a world full of academics or have a natural talent in order to be successful. However, people do need to learn certain habits that will allow them to be successful in anything they do.

Readers have found this to be an inspiring book that teaches the reader how to live beyond their typical mundane routine. It motivates people to go outside of their comfort zone and experience new things in order to achieve the success that they have been unable to do so far in life.

3 Lessons from The Magic of Thinking Big

  1. Get rid of the habit of constantly making excuses. Instead, look for reasons why success can happen.
  2. To become successful, speak less and listen more. Ask for guidance more than giving it.
  3. Let setbacks be your springboard to success.

20. The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins


  • The 5 Second Rule is a powerful tool for overcoming procrastination, self-doubt, and hesitation by taking immediate action within 5 seconds of an impulse.
  • Mel Robbins emphasizes the role of the brain’s natural tendency to resist change and offers a simple technique to outsmart it by using the 5 Second Rule to interrupt negative thought patterns.
  • The book encourages readers to leverage the 5 Second Rule to push through fear and anxiety, enabling them to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their goals with confidence.
  • By using the 5 Second Rule, individuals can cultivate positive habits and break free from destructive behavior patterns by making deliberate choices in the critical moments after a decision presents itself.
  • Robbins stresses the transformative impact of the 5 Second Rule on productivity, motivation, and overall well-being, highlighting its potential to create lasting positive change in various aspects of life.

In this motivational book, the reader is reminded of the support they have probably had throughout their life.

Parents, teachers, coaches, and friends have likely pushed the reader to be stronger than their excuses and better than your fears. But, what if the secret to success and confidence goes beyond knowing how to push yourself and accepting the support from your peers?

The author uses the science of habits, stories, and shocking historical facts to explain to the reader what the power of a “push moment” is. The reader is then provided with a quick and easy tool that can be used to achieve a greater sense of self.

According to the author, it takes just five seconds to become confident, stop procrastinating, face your fears, and be happier. While everyone has the ability to hold themselves back, it is also possible to reverse that and move forward with confidence.

The 5 Second Rule has helped people stay on tasks, get motivated in the morning, and refocus during times of distraction. It has helped people find happiness and hope in lives where those things were otherwise lost.

3 Lessons from The 5 Second Rule

  1. There is never going to be a “right moment” to start working on your goal. The important thing is to start doing it, regardless if you’re feeling terrified, anxious, or uncertain.
  2. The 5-second rule can stop your monkey brain, giving you enough time to take even the smallest action towards the fulfillment of your goal. Each time the moment comes when you instinctively know that you have to act on a goal, count down from 5 to 1, then do it. If you don’t make a move after your countdown, your brain will prevent you from accomplishing your goal.
  3. The only person who has the power to change your life is you.

21. The Mindfulness Journal by Steve Scott and Barrie Davenport


  • The Mindfulness Journal offers a structured approach to cultivating mindfulness through daily exercises, prompts, and reflections, making it accessible for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
  • Scott and Davenport emphasize the benefits of mindfulness in reducing stress, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting emotional well-being, providing practical tools for integrating mindfulness into daily life.
  • The book encourages readers to develop a regular mindfulness practice through journaling, meditation, and self-reflection, fostering a deeper connection with the present moment and one’s inner experiences.
  • By incorporating gratitude exercises and positive affirmations, The Mindfulness Journal aims to promote a mindset of appreciation and contentment, helping individuals focus on what truly matters in their lives.
  • The journal provides a holistic approach to mindfulness, addressing various aspects of well-being such as self-care, personal growth, and building meaningful connections, offering a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking to lead a more mindful and fulfilling life.

Okay, this book is a bit of a cheat. This is a Mindfulness Journal put together by myself and Barrie, my sometimes writing partner.

We have not written the most motivational book for you here. It is not even really a “book.” But if you use this book, YOU WILL likely create your own motivational resource that just can’t be beaten.

The Mindfulness Journal: Daily Practices, Writing Prompts, and Reflections for Living in the Present Moment is not a “traditional” book. It is a journal filled with prompts for YOU to fill out.

When it comes to motivation and encouragement, who can really beat your own self-talk, after all.

TMJ gives you a forum and prompts to share your own thoughts and ideas and may, in the long run, be far more motivational than most books you will find.

3 Lessons from The Mindfulness Journal

  1. To be truly at peace, strive to live in the present moment.
  2. Mindfulness brings you closer to self-discovery.
  3. Self-awareness brings a sense of inner happiness.

22. Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis


  • Rachel Hollis empowers women to embrace their ambitions unapologetically, challenging societal expectations and encouraging them to pursue their goals with confidence.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of self-worth and self-care, urging women to prioritize their own needs and aspirations without seeking validation or approval from others.
  • Hollis advocates for taking ownership of one’s life and choices, promoting a mindset of accountability and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks.
  • Girl, Stop Apologizing offers practical advice on setting and achieving goals, providing actionable strategies for time management, productivity, and overcoming self-doubt.
  • The book inspires women to redefine success on their own terms, encouraging them to cultivate a sense of purpose, embrace their unique strengths, and live authentically without fear of judgment or criticism.

In this book, Rachel Hollis invites women to find their own voices, realize their goals, and live life according to their terms.

Sound like a tall order? Well, according to Hollis, a lot of women live their lives pleasing other people—and this means putting their dreams aside in order to fulfill other people’s expectations.

In this book, Hollis discusses the excuses women have to let go of in order to achieve their goals. These include:

  • Thinking that there are things that women are not supposed to do
  • Pursuing one’s dreams while being a good employee/daughter/mother at the same time
  • Worrying about other people’s opinions

She then presents actionable steps in order to overcome these stereotypes. Her method includes changing one’s behavior and developing new skills such as planning, positivity, and persistence.

Delivered in a straightforward manner, Girl, Stop Apologizing is like being counseled by your best friend who wants nothing but the best for you.

3 Lessons from Girl, Stop Apologizing

  1. Do not apologize for taking action in order to make your dreams a reality.
  2. Yes, you have time to realize your dreams, and you’re capable of realizing them.
  3. Surround yourself with people who help you reach your goals.

23. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo


  • Marie Forleo’s book promotes a powerful mindset that everything is figureoutable, empowering readers to approach challenges with a can-do attitude and unwavering determination.
  • The book emphasizes the value of resourcefulness and resilience, encouraging individuals to tap into their creativity and problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  • Forleo offers practical strategies for cultivating a growth-oriented mindset, fostering self-belief, and developing the confidence to tackle any problem or pursuit.
  • Everything is Figureoutable advocates for taking action and embracing a spirit of experimentation, urging readers to adopt a fearless approach to pursuing their aspirations and dreams.
  • The book inspires individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and self-imposed barriers, guiding them to harness their inner potential and create the life they desire through relentless determination and adaptability.

Marie Forleo offers a new paradigm for looking at and overcoming obstacles in life. Everything is Figureoutable tells you that you can figure out everything in life.

You can figure out how to form and strengthen relationships. Success is achievable. And it’s possible to find lasting happiness.

The book reveals the steps you can take to figure out and make it through any obstacle you’re facing. It shows you how to overcome imposter syndrome. You will also learn how to manage your time and money better. Forleo shows you how to reach your goals.

4 Lessons from Everything is Figureoutable

  1. Develop a growth mindset.
  2. Stop striving for perfection. Strive for progress instead.
  3. Let your fears become your ally and propel you to productivity and creativity.
  4. Ignore the negative self-talk that you’re not ready yet. Dive right into action.

24. Becoming by Michelle Obama


  • Becoming offers an intimate and inspiring account of Michelle Obama’s life, from her childhood to her years as First Lady, providing insight into her personal journey and the experiences that shaped her.
  • The book highlights the importance of resilience and perseverance, showcasing how Michelle Obama overcame adversity and societal expectations to become a powerful advocate for change and empowerment.
  • Obama’s memoir emphasizes the significance of authenticity and staying true to oneself, encouraging readers to embrace their unique identity and use their voice to make a positive impact in the world.
  • Becoming delves into the complexities of balancing family, career, and public life, offering a candid portrayal of the challenges and triumphs that come with navigating multiple roles and responsibilities.
  • The book’s narrative underscores the transformative power of education, community, and empathy, illustrating how these values have influenced Michelle Obama’s life and her efforts to effect meaningful social change.

This book provides a glimpse into Michelle Obama’s world and the experiences that shaped her into one of the most powerful women in America today.

Obama reminisces about her life as a young girl on Chicago’s South Side. She also shares childhood experiences that reveal her developing personality.

Through various experiences, such as her college years at Princeton and her job as an attorney, readers can catch glimpses of her personality and the mindset that she possesses.

Obama shares both amusing and emotional anecdotes. Some of these are about:

  • Her father
  • Her experience of death through the passing of her college roommate
  • Fertility
  • Her engagement to Barack Obama
  • Being First Lady

This memoir demonstrates what happens when someone decides to follow a particular path in life. It reminds readers of the importance of having the right mentors to guide you forward.

The book also reveals the author’s different roles as a daughter, wife, mother, businesswoman, and lawyer. It inspires readers to find their own voices and walk their paths to their greatest potential.

3 Lessons from Becoming

  1. Holding a position of power does not make a person always right.
  2. Go for your goals, no matter if they seem out of reach.
  3. Being overly concerned about other people’s opinions could cost you your happiness.

25. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins


  • Can’t Hurt Me chronicles David Goggins’ extraordinary journey from a troubled past to becoming a Navy SEAL and ultra-endurance athlete, offering powerful lessons in mental toughness and resilience.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and adversity as a means to grow stronger, both mentally and physically, and to achieve one’s full potential.
  • Goggins advocates for the concept of “taking souls,” which involves pushing beyond perceived limits and surpassing the expectations of others, showcasing the transformative power of relentless self-discipline and determination.
  • Can’t Hurt Me delves into Goggins’ “Accountability Mirror” concept, which encourages individuals to take ownership of their actions and hold themselves accountable for their goals and personal growth.
  • The book underscores the value of self-mastery and the unyielding pursuit of excellence, inspiring readers to confront their fears, break through self-imposed barriers, and cultivate an indomitable mindset.

This book tells the story of a man who overcame poverty and physical abuse to become one of the world’s best athletes and an iconic figure in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Goggins is a living example that it is possible to push through painful experiences and fears in order to achieve great things. He discusses the fact that he used to be overweight and suffered from depression.

Through hard work, the right mindset, and self-discipline, he was able to overcome these personal challenges and became the only person to complete training in the special forces units of three branches of the US Armed Forces:

  • Navy (SEAL)
  • Air Force (Tactical Air Controller)
  • Army (Ranger)

His achievements were recognized by Outside Magazine, which named him “The Fittest Man in America.”

David Goggins’ story is an inspiration of how you can let go of the past in order to live a life of greatness.

5 Lessons from Can’t Hurt Me

  1. A sense of purpose takes you farther than motivation can.
  2. The only person you’re in competition with is yourself. Today, strive to be a better version of you.
  3. Surround yourself with people who have a winner mentality.
  4. Call out your own shortcomings in order to make real improvements in your life.
  5. Make it a point to experience some pain and discomfort in different areas of your life in order to train yourself to be tougher.

26. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis


  • Girl, Wash Your Face encourages women to let go of self-limiting beliefs and embrace their true worth, empowering them to pursue their dreams with confidence and authenticity.
  • Rachel Hollis shares personal stories and insights to inspire readers to take charge of their lives, confront their insecurities, and cultivate a positive self-image.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of self-care, resilience, and perseverance, urging women to prioritize their well-being and pursue their aspirations without succumbing to societal pressures or expectations.
  • Hollis challenges common misconceptions and societal norms, advocating for women to define their own paths, set ambitious goals, and push past obstacles with determination and grace.
  • Girl, Wash Your Face offers practical advice and affirmations to help women overcome self-doubt, cultivate a mindset of growth, and live a life that aligns with their true desires and values.

This book was published in 2018, and is the precursor to Girl, Stop Apologizing. It earns a spot in this post for exposing the lies that most women believe and demonstrating how to get past them in order to live life fully and joyfully.

Hollis discusses one lie she was made to believe in each chapter. She shares stories from her own life, and these stories are relatable and usually amusing. She also provides actionable steps for overcoming the lies that women tell themselves.

Some of the lies that Hollis shares in the book are:

  • Loving him is enough for me
  • I need to make myself smaller
  • I am defined by my weight
  • I need a hero
  • I should be further along by now

The key takeaway from the book is that we are the only ones responsible for the quality of our own lives.

3 Lessons from Girl, Wash Your Face

  1. Only accept what you truly deserve.
  2. Never allow others’ opinions to determine your worth.
  3. Develop the habit of keeping the promises you’ve made to yourself.

27. Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant


  • Option B explores resilience and the process of coping with adversity, offering practical insights and strategies to help individuals navigate through challenging times and build emotional strength.
  • Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant share personal experiences and research to illustrate the impact of loss and setbacks, emphasizing the importance of finding hope and meaning in the face of hardship.
  • The book delves into the concept of post-traumatic growth, highlighting how individuals can find new purpose, empathy, and appreciation for life after experiencing trauma or loss.
  • Option B provides guidance on supporting others through difficult times, offering advice on fostering resilience in children and helping friends and family members cope with their own challenges.
  • Sandberg and Grant underscore the significance of building community and connection, advocating for the power of empathy, support networks, and self-compassion in overcoming adversity and building a fulfilling life.

In this book, Sheryl Sandberg talks about when her family suffered a major loss and traumatic experience: the sudden death of her husband.

Sandberg co-authors this book with Adam Grant, an expert on human resilience. Their collaboration gives readers something to help them find the deeper meaning of their experience of pain, sorrow, anger.

Through the book, readers learn that human beings have the capacity to grow, to begin the business of living again, and even to help others transcend their pain.

The authors reassure their readers that, even when they experience traumatic events, they will recover.

Here is a notable quote about resilience from the first chapter of the book:

“…[C]hildren and adults recover more quickly when they realize that hardships aren’t entirely their fault, don’t affect every aspect of their lives, and won’t follow them everywhere forever.

3 Lessons from Option B

  1. Things happen that are beyond our control. How we respond to these setbacks is essential.
  2. Accept that failure happens. It is a very important learning tool.
  3. We can become more resilient by developing the habit of gratitude in the face of negative experiences.

28. Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk


  • Crushing It! emphasizes the potential of personal branding and leveraging social media to build a successful and fulfilling career, showcasing real-life examples of individuals who have achieved this.
  • Gary Vaynerchuk highlights the importance of authenticity and passion in creating content and engaging with audiences, encouraging readers to share their unique stories and expertise.
  • The book provides practical strategies for harnessing the power of social media platforms, offering insights on creating valuable content, engaging with followers, and monetizing one’s personal brand.
  • Vaynerchuk emphasizes the value of long-term thinking and consistency in pursuing one’s goals, advocating for patience and dedication in building a sustainable personal brand.
  • Crushing It! inspires readers to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions, take calculated risks, and embrace the opportunities presented by the digital age to create meaningful and impactful ventures.

Looking for something to help your business reach greater heights? Gary Vaynerchuk’s book might be just what you need.

In this book, you’ll learn how to harness the potential power of social media platforms for driving your success in business. Vaynerchuk guides you in developing your personal brand, regardless of your business or career.

However, it isn’t simply Vaynerchuk’s goal for readers to amass riches by applying the tips and strategies he puts forward in this book. Rather, he aims to help them achieve the lives they’ve always dreamed of, to live them on their own terms, and to use social media in order to get there.

The book is divided into two parts:

  • Part 1: Get Pumped
  • Part 2: Create Your Pillar

In Part 1, you’ll learn how to develop the correct mindset for developing your personal brand and making it a success.

Part 2 discusses how each social media platform can be utilized as a launching pad for your personal brand. Vaynerchuk gives tons of useful information on this. For instance, he details what type of content works best for a specific platform in order to grow your brand and cash in on it.

4 Lessons from Crushing It!

  1. Technology always gets the upper hand. Be open enough to embrace it.
  2. Depth is more important than breadth when it comes to creating content.
  3. Keep your content authentic.
  4. If you want to profit from doing what you love, be ready to transform yourself into a brand.

29. Fail Until You Don’t by Bobby Bones


  • Fail Until You Don’t encourages embracing failure as a crucial component of success, highlighting the valuable lessons and growth that can come from setbacks and challenges.
  • Bobby Bones shares personal anecdotes and insights to inspire readers to persist in the face of failure, illustrating how resilience and determination can lead to eventual triumph.
  • The book underscores the importance of self-belief and perseverance, urging individuals to learn from their failures, adapt, and continue pursuing their goals with unwavering resolve.
  • Fail Until You Don’t emphasizes the role of authenticity and staying true to oneself, advocating for the power of individuality and genuine expression in achieving success.
  • Bones provides practical advice and motivation for readers to reframe their perspective on failure, viewing it as a stepping stone toward personal and professional growth rather than a roadblock.

In this book, the youngest National Radio Hall of Fame inductee, Bobby Bones, discusses how failure helps people grow.

Bones, along with several of his celebrity friends, share their personal stories of failure. Their aim is for readers to take inspiration from these stories and realize that failure is what success is born out of.

Through this book, readers will learn to appreciate their own shortcomings. In keeping with Bones’ self-effacing humor, the book has amusing anecdotes, endearing it more to the audience.

The book is divided into three parts, each bearing the keyword of Bones’ mantra: Fight, grind, and repeat.

If you need that push to get going again, this book’s for you.

3 Lessons from Fail Until You Don’t

  1. We are constantly learning.
  2. We all have what it takes to succeed.
  3. Your biggest misses are teaching you how to make the biggest wins in your life.

30. Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven (Ret.)


  • Make Your Bed highlights the significance of small daily habits, such as making your bed, in fostering discipline, order, and a sense of accomplishment at the start of each day.
  • Admiral William H. McRaven shares valuable lessons from his Navy SEAL training, emphasizing the transformative impact of resilience, teamwork, and determination in overcoming challenges.
  • The book underscores the importance of taking on difficult tasks with determination and perseverance, showcasing how incremental progress and attention to detail can lead to significant achievements.
  • Make Your Bed provides practical insights on leadership, resilience, and the power of a positive mindset, offering timeless wisdom for individuals striving to make a meaningful impact in their lives and communities.
  • McRaven’s book inspires readers to embrace a proactive and resilient attitude, encouraging them to approach life’s challenges with courage, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence.

This book was built upon the core principles taken from Admiral McRaven’s commencement speech to the University of Texas at Austin’s graduating class of 2014. Within the book are lessons from McRaven’s experiences, as well as of others who have served in the military.

You’ll read about the 10 essential lessons that McRaven learned during nearly four decades as a Navy SEAL.

Each of the chapters discusses a life lesson, including:

  • Chapter 1: Start Your Day With a Task Completed
  • Chapter 2: You Can’t Go It Alone
  • Chapter 3: Only the Size of Your Heart Matters
  • Chapter 4: Life’s Not Fair — Drive On!
  • Chapter 5: Failure Can Make You Stronger
  • Chapter 6: You Must Dare Greatly
  • Chapter 7: Stand Up to the Bullies
  • Chapter 8: Rise to the Occasion
  • Chapter 9: Give People Hope
  • Chapter 10: Never Ever Quit

3 Lessons from Make Your Bed

  1. Begin the day by accomplishing a task that creates momentum for more completed tasks.
  2. There is no such thing as perfection.
  3. Face your challenges without fear.

31. Gmorning, Gnight! by Lin-Manuel Miranda


  • Gmorning, Gnight! offers a collection of affirmations and reflections, providing daily doses of encouragement and inspiration to uplift readers at the start and end of each day.
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda’s book celebrates the power of positivity, resilience, and self-compassion, offering comforting and empowering messages to help individuals navigate life’s challenges.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of self-care, gratitude, and finding joy in the present moment, encouraging readers to cultivate a mindset of appreciation and hope.
  • Gmorning, Gnight! provides a source of comfort and reassurance, reminding readers to embrace their unique strengths, pursue their passions, and face each day with courage and grace.
  • Miranda’s affirmations promote a sense of connection and community, fostering a spirit of empathy, kindness, and solidarity among readers, and encouraging them to support and uplift one another.

This is a compilation of Miranda’s poems and sayings.

Over the years, followers were delighted and motivated by Miranda’s uplifting and original short poems that appeared on his Twitter feed twice a day.

Now compiled in a book and illustrated by Jonny Sun, these words can reach more people and continue to inspire.

Miranda’s writing and Sun’s illustrations are the perfect antidote to those moments when you’re feeling anxious, unappreciated, or discouraged.

Here’s an excerpt from the book, which may help you face whatever lies ahead today:

Good morning.
Good gracious.
Your smile is

3 Lessons from Gmorning, Gnight!

  1. You deserve happiness.
  2. Kindness uplifts and inspires.
  3. Gratitude can be found everywhere.

32. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle | Motivational Books for Personal Development | best motivational books


  • The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment emphasizes the transformative impact of living in the present moment, offering insights on how to release attachment to past and future, and find inner peace.
  • Eckhart Tolle’s book delves into the concept of ego and its role in creating suffering, providing guidance on transcending the ego’s influence and accessing a deeper state of consciousness.
  • The book highlights the practice of mindfulness and presence as a means to alleviate mental anguish, offering practical techniques for cultivating awareness and connecting with one’s true essence.
  • Tolle explores the nature of human suffering and the liberation found in embracing the present moment, encouraging readers to release the burden of mental resistance and surrender to the now.
  • The Power of Now offers a profound perspective on spirituality and enlightenment, guiding readers on a path toward inner awakening, freedom from psychological pain, and a deeper connection to the essence of being.

33. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown | Motivational Books for Personal Development | best motivational books


  • The Gifts of Imperfection explores the concept of embracing vulnerability and imperfection as a pathway to living wholeheartedly and authentically.
  • Brené Brown’s book emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, setting boundaries, and cultivating resilience, offering guidance on how to let go of perfectionism and embrace one’s true self.
  • The book delves into the impact of shame and the power of empathy, providing insights on how to develop a sense of worthiness and connection in the face of societal pressures and expectations.
  • The Gifts of Imperfection offers practical strategies for developing courage, gratitude, and meaningful connections, empowering readers to cultivate a life of authenticity, purpose, and joy.
  • Brown’s work inspires individuals to let go of the fear of judgment, embrace their vulnerabilities, and live with courage, compassion, and a deep sense of belonging.

34. Think Again by Adam Grant

Think Again by Adam Grant | Motivational Books for Personal Development | best motivational books


  • Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know challenges the notion of fixed beliefs and encourages the practice of rethinking, adapting, and updating one’s perspectives based on new information and experiences.
  • Adam Grant’s book explores the concept of intellectual humility and the value of being open to learning, offering insights on how to foster a mindset of curiosity and continuous growth.
  • The book delves into the psychology of rethinking, highlighting the importance of embracing cognitive flexibility and being willing to reconsider one’s opinions and decisions in light of new evidence.
  • Think Again provides practical strategies for effective persuasion, constructive feedback, and decision-making, emphasizing the benefits of seeking out diverse viewpoints and being open to change.
  • Grant’s work inspires individuals to cultivate a culture of rethinking, promoting a spirit of intellectual curiosity, adaptability, and a willingness to challenge and refine one’s beliefs.

35. Do It Afraid by Joyce Meyer

Do It Afraid by Joyce Meyer | Motivational Books for Personal Development | best motivational books


  • Do It Afraid: Embracing Courage in the Face of Fear encourages readers to confront their fears and pursue their goals with courage, offering practical insights and encouragement to overcome self-doubt and take bold action.
  • Joyce Meyer’s book emphasizes the transformative power of faith and resilience in navigating through fear, providing guidance on how to cultivate a mindset of bravery and determination.
  • The book delves into the impact of fear on personal growth and success, offering strategies for reframing negative thoughts, embracing discomfort, and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone.
  • Do It Afraid provides inspiration and motivation for individuals to push past their fears, take risks, and pursue their aspirations with confidence and tenacity.
  • Meyer’s work inspires readers to embrace fear as a natural part of the journey toward growth and achievement, empowering them to confront challenges and live a life guided by faith, courage, and purpose.

Final Thoughts on Motivational Books for Personal Development

When you choose to read any or all of the motivational books we have included on this list, you will find that it can make a significant difference in how you see yourself and how you view the world around you.

It helps you see things in a much more positive light and inspires you to combat any of your limitations while choosing to make those better choices and taking more positive actions.

What can motivational books do for you, you ask? They can help inspire creativity when it is needed most, help you take control of your life, and provide you with practical guidance so you can work on achieving your personal and professional goals which ultimately lead to success.

Motivational books can also help change the way we think. So, why not take advantage of the opportunities we have presented on this list? Choose whatever inspires you the most.

Also, if you’d like to discover more books that you can check out, then I suggest you check out some of the lists we’ve compiled:

Have you read many of these self-help books? Do you agree with the book choices? Or disagree with any of the books on success and motivation chosen for this list?

Do you feel there are any other more specific motivational books that should be on this list? Did a specific motivational book inspire you to do something awesome?

Please share your thoughts on these (and other) motivational books in the comments below.

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals.

Thanks for your time. Keep Reading.

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